December 1, 2007

"Baroque and Blue," Claude Bolling

Song: "Baroque and Blue"
Album: Suite for Flute & Jazz Piano Trio
Artist: Claude Bolling

This is one of those albums my parents had when I was a kid. As soon as I figured out how to put a record on the turn table, I played this over and over. I loved the cover art and chuckled to see a flute and a piano literally in bed together having a smoke. This is sort of the theme music for the best of my childhood-- lively, creative, uninhibited and hopeful.

The original album is not on iTunes, but does appear on Amazon. The two songs from the album iTunes does have are on his greatest hits: "Baroque and Blue," and "Sentimentale." I can't imagine having only one or two songs from this album-- because the entire album is a complete work of art. I highly recommend buying the whole CD and listening to the songs in the order they appear.

Here's an audio sample from Amazon.

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