January 10, 2008

"Fly," Groove Collective

Song: "Fly"
Album: We the People (1996)
Artist: Groove Collective

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This song just makes me feel gooood. It's dynamic. I can't stay in my seat when this song comes on. I've got to get up and move. Richard Worth nails the improvisational flute.

Let me mention, I love the sound of the flute. My sister plays the flute. Hearing her practice for hours and hours as a kid embedded the sound in my musical memory from a very early age. Also, the song has a Latin feel, which I also luuuuv.
Sometimes the over all feeling a song gives you is the most important thing about it. This one gives me the feeling that I could overcome anything. Why? Don't know. Perhaps the collective vocals contribute to this. I suppose anything sung by one person is all the more powerful sung by many people. The latin elements also, particularly the percussion, have always spoken to me in that way. I've lived in Guatemala and traveled throughout Mexico, Costa Rica and Spain and maybe the most important thing I learned from the people of those countries is to never, ever give up. So, music that reminds me of my experiences there just makes me feel that way.

Some other thoughts: the trumpet solo is ill (in a good way), the song kinda de-constructs itself and then rebuilds, the lyrics "top of the mountain" provide a the image of ascending (something I've done quite a bit of in recent years), full brass section-- how often do you hear one these days?

Pure audible love folks.

Here's what they look and sound like now (still awesome):

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